Relationship between psychological flexibility and work-related quality of life for healthcare professionals: A systematic review and meta-analysis

Healthcare practitioners’ work-related quality of life can be considered within the framework of compassion fatigue and compassion satisfaction. Compassion fatigue can have detrimental impacts for healthcare professionals, whereas compassion satisfaction relates to positive outcomes in ‘helping’ professions. Psychological flexibility has been identified as a resource that may buffer against compassion fatigue and promote compassion satisfaction. This systematic review aimed…Continue Reading Relationship between psychological flexibility and work-related quality of life for healthcare professionals: A systematic review and meta-analysis

Help Researchers Better Understand Depression and Anxiety

Depression and anxiety are incredibly common, affecting about 30% of the worldwide population over the lifespan. Past research has indicated that genetic influences affect psychological treatment in response to anxiety and depression, so it’s important that we know more about these genetic influences. Heritability of anxiety is estimated at approximately 30% and depression approximately 35%,…Continue Reading Help Researchers Better Understand Depression and Anxiety

Exerted running results in altered impact mechanics and footstrike patterns following

Exertion may alter running mechanics and increase injury risk. Effects of exertion following gait-retraining are unknown. Objectives: To determine how exertion effects load rates, footstrike, and cadence in runners following a transition to forefoot strike (FFS) or increased cadence (CAD) gait-retraining. Methods: 33 (9 M, 24 F) healthy rearfoot strike runners were randomized into CAD or FFS…Continue Reading Exerted running results in altered impact mechanics and footstrike patterns following

3D visualisation of psychometric estimates for the ideal male body

Psychological concerns are frequently indexed by psychometric questionnaires but the mental representations that they seek to quantify are difficult to visualise. We used a set of questionnaires designed to measure men’s concept of their bodies including: the Drive for Muscularity Scale (DMS; McCreary & Sasse, 2000), the Perceived Sociocultural Pressures Scale (PSPS; Stice, Nemeroff, & Shaw, 1996a),…Continue Reading 3D visualisation of psychometric estimates for the ideal male body

What colour should I wear? How clothing colour affects women’s judgement of other women’s body attractiveness and body size

Research has indicated that female body perception and associated body-viewing gaze behaviour in women viewers can be influenced by a variety of internal and external factors (e.g., own body satisfaction, clothing style, and viewing angle). Although the clothing colour affects women’s visual and aesthetic appearance rated by men or women wearer themselves, its impact on…Continue Reading What colour should I wear? How clothing colour affects women’s judgement of other women’s body attractiveness and body size

Comparing the effects of outdoor and indoor exercise on student psychological wellbeing  

Poor mental health and increased levels of psychological distress are growing areas of concern for university students who report significantly more negative mental health symptoms compared to age-matched employed individuals. Increased psychological distress may be a result of a difficult transition from dependent living to independence in addition to increased academic, social, and financial pressures….Continue Reading Comparing the effects of outdoor and indoor exercise on student psychological wellbeing  

Gambling in COVID-19 Lockdown in the UK: Depression, Stress, and Anxiety

To combat the spread of COVID-19, the UK Government implemented a range of “lockdown” measures. Lockdown has necessarily changed the gambling habits of gamblers in the UK, and the impact of these measures on the mental health of gamblers is unknown. To understand the impact of lockdown on gamblers, in April 2020, after ~6 weeks…Continue Reading Gambling in COVID-19 Lockdown in the UK: Depression, Stress, and Anxiety

Flow in youth sport, physical activity, and physical education: A systematic review

Flow in sport, physical activity, and physical education can have widespread benefits for youth participants. The aim of this study was to systematically review, synthesise, and appraise literature on flow in youth sport, physical activity, and physical education. More specifically, the review explored the: methods used to study flow; conceptualisation of flow; antecedents associated with…Continue Reading Flow in youth sport, physical activity, and physical education: A systematic review

New Publications for Lincoln Sport and Exercise Psychology Researchers

The team at Lincoln Sport and Exercise Psychology Research, whose work contributes to both the Performance and Wellbeing Research Groups in the School of Sport and Exercise Science, have started the 2021 year on a positive note with publications for all members of the team. The latest volume (March 2021) of Psychology in Sport and…Continue Reading New Publications for Lincoln Sport and Exercise Psychology Researchers