Better Health Care for Offenders

There are over 200,000 offenders on probation in the UK. People in this group are often deprived, vulnerable and have more health needs (e.g. mental health, drug and alcohol problems) compared to the general population. Many offenders are not registered with a GP, and/or only access healthcare during crises. To reduce health inequalities, we first…Continue Reading Better Health Care for Offenders

Migraine and the Motion Streak

Migraine is a common and debilitating neurological disorder, affecting around 13% of adults (steiner et al., 2003) and is among the ten most debilitating disorders according to the World Health Organisation (stovener et al., 2007). The causes of the disorder are unknown, and current therapies available are commonly drugs, whose mode of action for alleviating…Continue Reading Migraine and the Motion Streak

Perceiving the speed of human action

Social interactions depend critically on visual information about other humans. Information about body movement is particularly important because it can convey social attributes such as dominance, mood, attractiveness, vulnerability and intent. University of Lincoln, College of Social Science Research Prof George Mather, University of Lincoln, School of Psychology  …Continue Reading Perceiving the speed of human action