Patient-maintained versus anaesthetist-controlled propofol sedation during elective primary lower-limb arthroplasty performed under spinal anaesthesia: a randomised controlled trial

Patient-maintained propofol TCI sedation (PMPS) allows patients to titrate their own target-controlled infusion (TCI) delivery of propofol sedation using a handheld button. The aim of this RCT was to compare PMPS with anaesthetist-controlled propofol TCI sedation (ACPS) in patients undergoing elective primary lower-limb arthroplasty surgery under spinal anaesthesia. David W. Hewson, Nottingham University Hospitals, Queen’s…Continue Reading Patient-maintained versus anaesthetist-controlled propofol sedation during elective primary lower-limb arthroplasty performed under spinal anaesthesia: a randomised controlled trial

The Burglary Cognitive Distortions Scale: its association with burglary proclivity and other key variables

Cognitive distortions play a key role in offending but have not been researched in relation to burglary. Using the literature on offence-related cognition as a guide (which is primarily focused on sexual offending), the present two studies aimed to develop and validate the Burglary Cognitive Distortions Scale (BCDS). Drawing upon the burglary literature, an initial…Continue Reading The Burglary Cognitive Distortions Scale: its association with burglary proclivity and other key variables

Social Care and Research Half day event with Lunch

Join us for this learning and network event which will include interactive workshops, keynote presentations and opportunities to meet other participants and network. Lunch and refreshments are provided. This event is designed to bring together the Social Care provider and practitioner community along with the Research community to hopefully gain an understanding of each other’s…Continue Reading Social Care and Research Half day event with Lunch

The (over)use of SMART goals for physical activity promotion: A narrative review and critique

The SMART acronym (e.g., Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Timebound) is a highly prominent strategy for setting physical activity goals. While it is intuitive, and its practical value has been recognised, the scientific underpinnings of the SMART acronym are less clear. Therefore, we aimed to narratively review and critically examine the scientific underpinnings of the SMART…Continue Reading The (over)use of SMART goals for physical activity promotion: A narrative review and critique

Hierarchies of Masculinity and Lad Culture on Campus: Bad Guys, Good Guys and Complicit Men

Research on ‘lad culture’ and gender-based violence (GBV) in student communities has examined ‘hypermasculine’ gender performances, with little attention paid to hierarchies of masculinity. We explore ‘lad culture’ by analysing qualitative, in-depth interviews with students. Our findings challenge simplistic constructions of ‘good guys’ as allies/protectors in opposition to hypermasculinised, deviant ‘bad guys’. We demonstrate how…Continue Reading Hierarchies of Masculinity and Lad Culture on Campus: Bad Guys, Good Guys and Complicit Men

Ageing Without Children in East Lindsey: Ageing Diversities

The Healthy Ageing Research Group at the University of Lincoln and TED in East Lindsey with East Lindsey District Council held an online learning event on Thursday 2 December focussing on Ageing Without Children in East Lindsey. The keynote presentation, delivered by Professor Mo Ray of the Healthy Ageing Research Group at the University of…Continue Reading Ageing Without Children in East Lindsey: Ageing Diversities

The Flow-Clutch Scale: Development and preliminary validation in sport and exercise

Objectives The Integrated Model of Flow and Clutch States describes two overlapping psychological states that underlie exceptional performance and rewarding exercise experiences. However, research based on this model is currently hampered because no validated measure has yet been developed. Therefore, the aim of this multi-study paper was to develop and provide preliminary validation of the…Continue Reading The Flow-Clutch Scale: Development and preliminary validation in sport and exercise

Prevent, Ideology and Ideological State Apparatus: Analysing Terrorism Prevention Policies Using Althusser’s Framework

The work of Louis Althusser is well regarded in the study of ideology, having been used to analyse the material basis for ideology, and challenging the idea that ideology is simply a product of the mind. Recent advances in counterterrorism have seen many states adopting preventative programmes which are non-violent, and nominally voluntary, attempting to…Continue Reading Prevent, Ideology and Ideological State Apparatus: Analysing Terrorism Prevention Policies Using Althusser’s Framework