Perceptions of physical attractiveness vary across cultural groups, particularly for female body size and shape. It has been hypothesised that visual media propagates Western ‘thin ideals’. However, because cross-cultural studies typically consider groups highly differentiated on a number of factors, identifying the causal factors has thus far been impossible. In the…Continue Reading Television Consumption Drives Perceptions of Female Body Attractiveness in a Population Undergoing Technological Transition
Day: November 4, 2019
Hayek’s Appreciative Theory and Social Justice
How can Hayek’s epistemic institutionalism contribute to seeking social justice? I contribute to Peter Boettke’s project by bridging the gap between the Hayekian critique of social justice and its reception among normatively committed theorists and philosophers. I begin by summarising some inter-related cases proposed by political theorists for rejecting Hayek’s critique of social justice. I…Continue Reading Hayek’s Appreciative Theory and Social Justice