100 years of gambling machines : from the Liberty Bell to the Fixed Odds Betting Terminal

Fixed Odds Betting Terminals, a form of high stakes gambling machine, have been very much in the news in 2018. Parliament has been persuaded that such machines, dubbed as the ‘crack cocaine of gambling’ need tighter regulation. The debate about gambling machines is, however, not new. Coin operated machines have existed for over 2000 years,…Continue Reading 100 years of gambling machines : from the Liberty Bell to the Fixed Odds Betting Terminal

Dr Ross Bartels Publishes New Paper on Mousetracking Sexual Interests

Congratulations to Dr Ross Bartels who, with his colleagues, has published a 3-study paper in the Archives of Sexual Behaviour, entitled ‘Tracking Mouse Trajectories Related to Decisions About Sexual Interest’. Bartels, R. M., Lister, V. P., Imhoff, R., & Banse, R. (2019). Tracking mouse trajectories related to decisions about sexual interest. Archives of Sexual Behavior. Advanced online…Continue Reading Dr Ross Bartels Publishes New Paper on Mousetracking Sexual Interests