This year, the College of Social Science will focus its showcase around Applying Social Science at a Civic University. The aim of the event is to engage and improve connections with local partners and showcase research collaborations and their impact on the community. The Vice Chancellor will open the event and share her vision of a…Continue Reading College of Social Science Showcase: Applying Social Science at a Civic University
Month: May 2019
Nursing means putting the patient first, wherever we are in the world
My international journey as a nurse began in April 1999 when I left the UK to work in the USA and it has continued for the past 20 years. Last year, I had the privilege of going on a teaching trip to Oulu in the remote north of Finland. This April, I continued my international…Continue Reading Nursing means putting the patient first, wherever we are in the world
Perceptual Not Attitudinal Factors Predict the Accuracy of Estimating Other Women’s Bodies in Both Women With Anorexia Nervosa and Controls
Disturbance in how one’s body shape and size is experienced, usually including over-estimation of one’s own body size, is a core feature of the diagnostic criteria of anorexia nervosa (AN). Is this over-estimation specific to women with AN’s judgements of their own body? Or is it just a general feature of their judgments about all…Continue Reading Perceptual Not Attitudinal Factors Predict the Accuracy of Estimating Other Women’s Bodies in Both Women With Anorexia Nervosa and Controls
Symmetrical Viewpoint Representations in Face-Selective Regions Convey an Advantage in the Perception and Recognition of Faces
Learning new identities is crucial for effective social interaction. A critical aspect of this process is the integration of different images from the same face into a view-invariant representation that can be used for recognition. The representation of symmetrical viewpoints has been proposed to be a key computational step in achieving view-invariance. The aim of…Continue Reading Symmetrical Viewpoint Representations in Face-Selective Regions Convey an Advantage in the Perception and Recognition of Faces
Psychological wellbeing, social support, and personality in police force employees
Staff in the School of Sport and Exercise Science recently presented their research at the British Psychological Society Division of Occupational Psychology Conference in Chester. Led by Dr Trish Jackman, this research sought to examine the relationship between psychological wellbeing, perceived support from colleagues, received support from colleagues, and personality factors in police employees. The…Continue Reading Psychological wellbeing, social support, and personality in police force employees
Parliament and the intelligence services: Watching the watchers
This ongoing project seeks to examine the various mechanisms by which the UK parliament has sought to scrutinise the intelligence agencies and the government’s use of intelligence. Existing studies of parliamentary scrutiny of intelligence within the UK have focused almost exclusively on the work of the Intelligence and Security Committee. While the work of the ISC…Continue Reading Parliament and the intelligence services: Watching the watchers