Doing and undoing gender in male carer/female breadwinner families

        This study aimed to explore the allocation of family work among male carer/female breadwinner couples in comparison to traditional couples, in an attempt to identify the most change-resistant aspects of gendered family roles. A sample of 236 parents with children from birth to 5 years old completed extensive questionnaires about their…Continue Reading Doing and undoing gender in male carer/female breadwinner families

How Does Variation in the Body Composition of Both Stimuli and Participant Modulate Self-Estimates of Men’s Body Size?

When measured in units of body mass index (BMI), how much variation in men’s self-estimates of body size is caused by i) variation in participants’ body composition and ii) variation in the apparent muscle mass and muscle tone of the stimuli being judged? To address this, we generated nine sets of male CGI bodies representing…Continue Reading How Does Variation in the Body Composition of Both Stimuli and Participant Modulate Self-Estimates of Men’s Body Size?

Fear-Related Signals in the Primary Visual Cortex

Neuronal responses in the primary visual cortex (V1) are driven by simple stimuli, but these stimulus-evoked responses can be markedly modulated by non-sensory factors, such as attention and reward [1], and shaped by perceptual training [2]. In real-life situations, neutral visual stimuli can become emotionally tagged by experience, resulting in altered perceptual abilities to detect…Continue Reading Fear-Related Signals in the Primary Visual Cortex


Originally posted on HARG by Claire Markham Care(less) is a new 360° film work by artist Lindsay Seers. Using a combination of lens based and digital 360° images, viewed within a virtuality headset, Seers explores the hallucinatory and embodied effect of VR. In this, her first work using virtual reality technology, visitors can experience what…Continue Reading Care(Less)

Masculinizing Care? Gender, Ethics of Care, and Fathers’ Rights Groups

This article contributes to theoretical debates around caring masculinity, especially attempts to integrate feminist ethics of care with masculinities scholarship. I apply ethics of care and masculinities theories to an illustrative case study of fathers’ rights group (FRG), (Real) Fathers 4 Justice, who, I argue, employ aspects of care perspectives framed as a “new man/new…Continue Reading Masculinizing Care? Gender, Ethics of Care, and Fathers’ Rights Groups