The Hong Kong Criminal Justice Series, authored by Dr. Andra le Roux-Kemp with publisher Wolters Kluwer (Hong Kong), consists of three volumes: Hong Kong Criminal Procedure (2019), Hong Kong Law of Evidence (2019), and Hong Kong Criminal Law (forthcoming 2021/22). The aim of this Criminal Justice Series is to provide a single, comprehensive source on the laws of Hong Kong, for as far as these relate to Criminal Procedure, the Law of Evidence, and Criminal Law. The first two volumes appeared in print in 2019, and are now recognised as an indispensable source for students, law practitioners, as well as legal scholars with an interest in Hong Kong Criminal Justice. Exemplary features of the series include the legal-historical and comparative analysis of the development of Hong Kong law vis-a-vis the laws of England and Wales and other Commonwealth jurisdictions, as well as the numerous cross-references across the three volumes which unswore the practical and theoretical interplay between the three subject areas.
Chapters Four and Five of the volume Hong Kong Criminal Procedure (2019) is particularly valuable for readers interested in learning more about police powers in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, while Chapters 11, 12 and 14 of the second volume in the series – Hong Kong Law of Evidence (December 2019) – provide a thorough-going analysis and discussion on, inter alia, electronic evidence, forensic evidence and the evaluation of evidence generally.