The PGR Connect Series drew to a close last week after nine excellent seminars over the course of July, August, and September. With the cancellation of many conferences in recent months and doctoral researchers now finding themselves working from home rather than alongside their peers in postgraduate offices, the sport and exercise psychology team in the School of Sport and Exercise Science (Twitter: @LincsSpExPsych) sought to fill these voids by organising a multi-institutional, international seminar series throughout the summer period. The goals of the series were to provide doctoral researchers in the area of sport and exercise psychology with an opportunity to showcase their work, obtain feedback, and facilitate networking opportunities for attendees. While the presenters on the series were all doctoral researchers, the series was also attended by undergraduate and Masters students in the School of Sport and Exercise Science, as well as academics from the UK, Ireland, and Australia. Over the course of the nine weekly seminars, 22 speakers from 13 institutions across the UK, Ireland, New Zealand, and Australia delivered talks about their research. Five speakers from the University of Lincoln presented their doctoral research on the series: Rachel Langbein, Oliver Williamson, Rebecca Hawkins, Joanna Blackwell (all School of Sport and Exercise Science), and Thomas George (School of Health and Social Care). The sport and exercise psychology team will continue to run virtual internal seminars throughout the year. Please contact Trish Jackman ( to hear more or get involved.